Hi, I'm Alex Collino.
I'm a web developer based in Los Angeles, CA.
Take a look at what I've been , read more , or feel free to

Recent Projects


A browser-based version of the classic snake game.


An in-browser recreation of Jeopardy. Powered by the jService API, this version features questions from the actual game show!


A cupcake menu with a JSON API that allows adding/deleting/editing without page refreshes.


An example of a pet-adoption agency that uses server-side databases to record pet information.


A model of a blog site; this uses relational databases for keeping track of users, posts, and tags.


This is Hack-or-Snooze, an imitation of the Y Combinator news site, Hacker News! The page uses localStorage to keep track of a logged-in user, their posts, and anything they've favorited or hidden.

About Me

Throughout high school and college, I was interested in both biology and computer science, but ultimately ended up pursuing a biology major. I graduated from Brandeis University in 2015 with the goal of attending medical school, and spent several years working as an anesthesia technician before attending the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College.

However, I struggled to be the version of myself I felt that I needed to be - when I made mistakes, I should have studied harder. If I was enjoying myself, I shouldn't let myself get distracted. I found I was cutting ties with friends old and new, dropping hobbies I used to love, and despite it all - I still wasn't good enough. This was supposed to be what I wanted to be doing with my life, and I was miserable.

Eventually, I requested a leave of absence from Geisel and moved to be with my partner in LA. I decided to dive deeper into my interest in programming, so I enrolled in a coding program to prepare myself. I'm steadily progressing through Springboard's Software Engineering course, and I'm regularly pushing my new projects to Github. I've also resumed some of my hobbies; feel free to ask me about baking bread or nerd out with me over D&D, MtG, or DotA!
